Having a good wingman is incredibly important. Obviously, the wingman 
skillset is profoundly different from going out solo to pick up women. Both 
skills are necessary to have, in my opinion, but I generally prefer going with a 
buddy who knows his stuff and has my back when it comes to flirting with 

A wingman should be your friend first and foremost before he's a PUA (Pick Up
  Artist), you can do both: work on your skillset as well as enjoy going out with
  friends and picking up girls. However, in the interest of making sure
everyone's  goals are fulfilled, you need rules so that each of you are being a
good wingman  to each other to avoid misunderstandings.

So here are my 10 Rules to Being A Good Wingman:
  1. Encourage You to Approach - If you're a newbie and still 
    have approach anxiety, a good wingman can encourage you, prod you, and basically
      push you into approaching. Even Mystery admits to getting a few butterflies in 
    his stomach on the first approach of the night so it helps to have a bro give 
    you that little push of momentum.

  2. Provide Only Constructive Criticisms and Feedback- Whether 
    you did exceptionally well to a total crash and burn, a good wingman can observe
      you and tell you what you did right and wrong. He can provide you with insights
      that maybe you didn't know while you were flirting with the girl. Things like 
    body language, tonality, and a plethora of other factors that you can't see in 
    yourself while you're doing your thing.

  3. He's Your Homebase - In between girls and sets, a good 
    wingman gives you a homebase. Someone you can talk to and chill when you're both 
     not busy running Game, flirting with girls, and basically messing around. It 
    gives you time to recharge, rest and chill in between sets.

  4. Gives Out Positive Energy - A good wingman should be able 
    to feed off your energy as well as vice versa. He's positive, energetic, and 
    should always be encouraging. NO NEGATIVE THOUGHTS IN THE 
    FIELD. It's like that saying, "There are no atheists in the foxhole." 
    There are no pessimists out in the field.

  5. Deals with Obstacles - A good wingman should have the 
    ability to deal with obstacles, whether they're AMOGs (Alpha Male Other Group) 
    or UGs (Ugly Girls), he should be able to distract and occupy the unwanted 
    person in a set.

  6. Provides Social Proof - You can tell when a guy is just 
    your wingman or if he's also your buddy. Two good friends give each other a 
    certain amount of social proof because it's obvious that you're enjoying 
    yourselves, chilling, and be social. Guys who just look like they're hunters 
    don't give off that friendly, social proof vibe. You can also do accomplishment 
    intros and the like.

  7. Follows the Rules - A good wingman understands and is 
    willing to follow the wingman rules, the top one of course being: "He who 
    approaches first, gets first pick." This just helps avoid confusion and prevents
      hard feelings. I have a variety of other posts on this subject like social 
    circle surging and my own personal wingman rules.

  8. Knows When to Break the Rules - A good friend, even if he 
    approached first, should be able to tell when the girl he approached isn't into 
    him, but rather his wingman. If this happens, being both a good wingman and 
    friend, you should LET him have the girl and BE 
    HAPPY about it. Sometimes that happens even if you ran tight game. Be 
    happy for him, don't be jealous. Remember you should also be his friend as 

  9. Understands the Tough Times - A good friend should 
    understand in what areas that you're having trouble with. What sticking points 
    that you have and encourage you and help you in ways to overcome them. This, of 
    course, should be reciprocated on your part to help him out as well.

  10. HAVE FUN! - Two good friends, wingmen, and pick up artists 
    should enjoy each other's company as well as being able to go out and socialize 
    with women. A good wingman is someone cool and fun to chill with. You can learn 
    from each other and help each other with women, but you should also be able to 
    just go out there, not even sarge a single girl, and STILL HAVE 
    FUN! This also helps with avoiding burnout for those guys who treat 
    charging and talking with women as a chore or a job.

Author: JT Tran
Source: Link

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