Some guys question the idea that alpha males have an easier time seducing women than non-alpha males and I guess I understand where that scepticism comes from. Just coming from a logical viewpoint, it might not make a lot of sense as 
to why it would be so much easier for an alpha male to be able to seduce a woman, but it is something that you are going to see a lot of evidence of, if you get down in the trenches and see what happens in the bars and the clubs. It's not the guys who make great partners from a logical point of view that end up attracting the attention of women, it's the guys who have that natural alpha male vibe.

 Here are some reasons why:

1. Alpha males don't wait for a woman to come to them, they go and approach her.

 In a dream world, it might be nice to imagine that being the guy, women would  be the ones to approach you. Now, that does happen to some guys every now and again. However, those are almost always still the alpha males. The reality is that if you want to be able to get women into bed, you can't wait for them to come to you. You'll be waiting a LONG time in most cases. And if you don't give off the impression that you really are an alpha male, chances are it will never come.

2. They don't bring the party down, they make it livelier.

What a lot of men don't realize is that when they go to approach a woman with horrible energy and equally horrible body language, they bring down the party. They are a drag. Guys who are alpha males don't do that. They make things more 
fun, they make them livelier and women like that. Women like to go out and come across a guy who is going to make their night more fun and more enjoyable. And the more enjoyable and fun that you make the night for her, the more likely it is that she is going to want to end the night with you.

3. They don't fear escalation, they embrace it.

If you are the kind of guy who is a little fearful of having to take things to that next level with a woman, that is something that has to change like right now. You can't expect the woman to put the moves on you, you have to be able to put the moves on her. Alpha males are leaders and they know how to lead a woman  into seduction and that is the thing that you have to be able to do. You can't fear escalation, you have to want to escalate and enjoy the process.

Author: Chris G. Tyler
Source: Link
It happens to you every time.. You see "the" girl across the room and your temperature starts to rise, your 
hands get sweaty and your heart starts pounding. You wish you could go talk to her, get to know  her and ask her out on a date, but your gripping fear of  rejection stops you. So you wait and wait, and sure enough you see another guy start to talk to her and she is smiling, laughing and having a good time with that other guy. Another opportunity lost.

If you've experienced this scenario and feel you are someone who just can't seem to gather the courage to
meet a girl you're interested in, have no fear - help is on the way.  From my experience, I'm convinced that the very first step 
that every guy needs to make when it comes to meeting women is to "Find Your  Inner Alpha." Alpha in this case is not about anything the Greek alphabet; I'm talking about how to become an "Alpha Male." An Alpha Male is a guy who is unapologetic about his immediate desires and goals. He is  outwardly confidant, opinionated, and not afraid to take risks in the
face of adversity. Alpha Males exude an air of masculinity and self-assurance that is felt when they enter a room. The best example would be James Bond.

I know right now you're thinking, "Well that's just not me." Well, I know that, and that's why I'm writing this. There are of course natural Alpha Males who just have "it' and they have no problem meeting women. I'm saying that even if you are not a natural, there are a few concepts to think about that will help  you change your perception of the dating game and will exponentially improve your ability to approach "the" girl across the room. Let me be clear that I don't subscribe to "pick-up artist" routines. Whether or not those routines work will not change the fact that you have the wrong state of mind. Tapping into your Inner Alpha is all about a state of mind and an understanding of what many women are attracted to. OK, enough background, let's get to it.

She's out of my league

The heart pounding and sweaty palms are a simple reaction to a state of mind that is telling
you, "She's out of my league." Let me say to you once and for all that "NO ONE IS OUT OF ANYONE'S LEAGUE." To get you to understand this I have to put your self-esteem on trial. The bottom line is that if you don't like  you, how can you expect someone else to like you too? If you are not enjoying life, how can you expect someone to want to share their life with you? So, the first baby step here is to first like yourself and start enjoying life. Most  girls don't want to get to know a constant downer. Once you have this state of mind intact, you will be amazed at how this will naturally draw people, especially women,
toward you like a magnet.

There is nothing to fear but fear itself

The reason Alpha Males are so successful with women is because they have absolutely no fear of rejection. Why? Because at the simplest level if you like who you are and are enjoying life, then you really don't have anything to lose.  The mind set for you to adopt here is that it's not your loss if the girl rejects you; it's actually her loss for not wanting to be a part of your awesome life.
If you think of it that way, than you can brush any girl's rejection off without a second thought. Ending your fear once and for all is the most liberating feeling because you know that you have only something to gain. It's not about being an extrovert, but it is being comfortable in your own skin and seeing everything as an opportunity instead of a potential disaster.

You don't need her to be happy

Probably the most paralyzing thing for men is they think that their "manhood" will be shattered if they don't get the girl they want. This thought alone is what keeps most men from approaching women; it is essentially ego damage control. Men falsely believe that approaching a woman is like a minefield and all it takes is one wrong step and the girl will detonate on them. This false mind set is what makes men tread far too lightly when meeting women and they try to do and say everything just right to please her. If you think like this, you have lost the battle before it's even begun. The reality is that most women are  extremely
attracted to men who give off the impression that they don't need her to be happy.

Once a woman senses this, she is the one who becomes curious as to  why you are so content with yourself and your life. Alpha Males have a keen ability to make a woman feel that they have to meet his standard. This mind set is the complete
opposite of what most men do and that is to try to live up to  her standard by trying to say all the right things, give too many compliments,  offer to buy her a drink, and all the other Beta Male ploys that typically fail and result in rejection.

Nice guys finish last!

If you are constantly striking out and wondering why the bad boys always end up with the girls you have to understand that their success is not because they are bad, it's because they are Alpha. Most bad boys are risk takers by nature, and they usually say exactly what's on their mind and don't  care what anyone thinks about them. While they may be destructive in their relationships, the key  to their approach success is that most women are initially attracted to a guy 
who is not afraid to put all his chips on the table and just go for it.  I know it's easier said then done, but again the Alpha mind set is all about exuding a confidence about yourself that is undeniable to women. Now go find you  Inner Alpha and the girls will find you!

Source: Link
Kristopher Joseph
Anxiety is a mechanism that helps animals survive. Most species will only feel anxious when they are facing danger, but when the threat disappears the anxiety will also disappear.

 Human beings are the only ones that can feel anxiety even in the absence of a real threat. For example, most guys can't control their minds and suffer from approach anxiety.  They feel the stress before the even engage in the  interaction; as a result they don't enjoy the success with females that they crave for. I want to share some techniques that will help you overcome this issue, and change your life forever.

First, fight the physical symptoms

There are some physical symptoms associated with approach anxiety: high pulse, shortness of breath, nausea, shaking, etc. If you make them go, you will trick your subconscious mind into believing that you are comfortable and confident. Although it sounds difficult, there are some fast and easy ways to achieve this.

First, regular exercise can help you relax. You don't need to train for a marathon, just activate your body and it will produce endorphins. This will help because the next time you suffer from an anxiety episode the physical symptoms will be less

Second, tense your body as hard as you can and then release. This is a contrast technique that will help you relax almost instantly.  If you use this technique regularly the benefits will multiply because you are training your subconscious mind to feel relaxed by default.

Improve your inner game

Approach anxiety is caused by the insecurities that live in your  subconscious mind. Ideas are implanted in the subconscious by feeling and  repetition. We can conclude that if you suffer from severe episodes of anxiety it's because you have been feeding your mind with negative ideas, feelingly,  for a very long time.

Your subconscious mind doesn't care if an idea is real or imaginary. It will respond to any suggestion made by you. So, instead of sabotaging yourself, use this power to create the life that you want.

Every night, before you go to bed, relive the positive events of the day to reinforce your confidence. Then change the negative ones, and relive them as you wanted them to go, this will remove their negative impact in your subconscious. Remember, when working on your inner game, feeling is the secret. If you don't engage your feelings in this exercise,  you won't get the desired results. You can use real life feedback to help you believe the truth of the ideas you want to implant.

For example, if you are a short guy, and your height is an issue for you, look for short guys who date top models and convince yourself that you can do the same thing. Michael J. Fox is 5'4″ and he was able to date the most gorgeous girls. This will help you feel that the idea is true, and engrave it  in your subconscious. Don't let negative self-talk rule your life. Kill your inner bully and live by choice.

Source: Link
Author:  Luigi Carucci
First impressions are very important, because women will judge everything you say, or do, through the lens of the first contact. Since, you never get a second  chance to make a first impression it's important to be prepared at all times. You  never know when, or where, you will meet the love of your life. Here are some  ideas I want you to think about...

 What does it mean to be prepared at all times?
Your attitude is the most important thing you should work on. You need to be on flirt mode all the time, and feel like an attractive
and confident man.  Remember, your feelings and beliefs affect your body language. If you want women to perceive you as a male of value you need to send the right signals, through non-verbal channels.

You should keep a playful mood at all times. Don't let the little things of life get in your way. If you are happy, all the time, women will assume that you are in control of your life, and they find that very attractive. Angry guys are not in control; they give away their power to external things. Remember, if you are not in control you won't have the girl.

Dress like a king, always
It doesn't matter if you are going out for a cup of coffee, to walk the dog, or to take out the garbage. You need to dress like a king at all times. Again, you don't know when, or where, you are going to meet gorgeous women, and remember, you
only have one chance to make that first impression.

Your style

It has a big impact on how you feel. If you take care of your appearance your body language will improve. People will respect you, and your decisions more, so take this seriously. If you want women to remember you, in a good way, you need to stand out. Most guys will only take care of their appearance when they go to a bar or club. If you show the best version of yourself at all times you will have a lot of advantage.

Finally, use cologne
Women will learn to relate you to the fragrance that you wear. Every time she smells the same fragrance, or a similar, she will
think of you. Besides, once again this is a great way to stand out, and differentiate you from the rest. You not only need to make a great first impression, you need  to make it last.

Luigi Carucci
Source: Link